
Partnership & Promotion Guidelines


Thank you for considering a partnership with WellnessFitnessPro.com. We’re committed to fostering a vibrant community for women and moms, prioritizing quality and relevance. To maintain this, we selectively endorse products we personally trust.

Promotional Considerations

  1. Internal Focus: With our Wellnesse product line, our primary focus is on in-house promotions, limiting external engagements.
  2. Monthly Review: Due to high demand, we evaluate new partnerships, products, and affiliates monthly. If interested, we’ll reach out for more details.
  3. Timeline Insights: Our promotional calendar is booked three months ahead, restricting considerations for events or sales within 30 days. We prioritize alignment with our editorial and seasonal calendars.
  4. No Specific Date Requests: While existing affiliates can inform us of events, we can’t guarantee promotion on specific dates except in rare cases.

Promotion Types

  1. Podcast Sponsorships: Currently, podcast sponsorships are the only paid promotions available, booked three months in advance.
  2. Exclusions: We no longer promote docu-series, summits, ebooks, book launches, or similar products/events.
  3. Article Links: Quality products may be linked in blog posts or new articles on a case-by-case basis.

Advertising Procedures

  1. Handled by AdThrive: All advertising on Wellness Mama is managed through Cafe Media/AdThrive. Direct any queries about paid ads to AdThrive.
  2. No External Agencies: We don’t collaborate with PR or advertising agencies for ad placement.

For inquiries, contact our advertising and affiliate manager here.

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