
From Flab to Fab: How Fitness Changed My Life

A photo of a girl sitting on a couch, eating unhealthy food."
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My Unhealthy Start

From Flab to Fab: How I Transformed My Body and Mind Through Fitness

Overweight woman standing against wall"

As I look back on old photos of myself from just a few years ago, I barely recognize the overweight, unhappy girl staring back at me. At my heaviest, I tipped the scales at over 300 pounds and was completely sedentary. I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, giving no thought to nutrition or my health. Fast food, sugary sodas, and late night pizza delivery were staples of my diet. I avoided exercise at all costs, preferring to come home after work and spend my evenings binge watching TV while munching on snacks. Suffice to say, I felt terrible all the time. I had no energy, my body ached, and I knew that I was putting myself at serious risk for all kinds of health issues. At age 24, I realized I needed to make a change before it was too late.

Finding Motivation to Get Healthy

I wish I could say there was one singular moment that motivated me to get healthy, but in reality it was a culmination of factors. My 30th birthday served as a bit of a wakeup call, making me realize that my youth wouldn’t last forever and that I needed to take better care of myself. I thought about my family history of heart disease and diabetes and worried about going down the same path if I didn’t improve my lifestyle. And yes, a big motivator was also wanting to look and feel better about myself. I envied guys who were fit, muscular and full of energy. I wanted that for myself, and knew it was possible if I worked for it. The journey began with a solemn commitment to myself to get healthy, both emotionally and physically.

Starting My Fitness Journey

When I first started working out, I’ll admit it was incredibly difficult. I struggled just to get through 20 minutes on the elliptical without feeling like I was going to pass out. Lifting weights was nearly impossible – I don’t think I successfully bench pressed more than 40 pounds when I first hit the gym. My stamina and strength were nonexistent after years of inactivity and unhealthy eating. But I forced myself to stick with it, going to the gym 5 days a week religiously for those first few months. “I also did as much research as I could on nutrition, exercise techniques, and fitness gear that could help give me an advantage.”

After about 3 months of hard work, I began to notice changes taking place, both internally and externally. I had more energy, my clothes started to fit looser, and lifting those weights didn’t seem quite as impossible. I even started looking forward to my gym sessions instead of dreading them. Seeing these small improvements motivated me to keep pushing forward on my fitness journey.

My Diet Overhaul

Along with ramping up the exercise, I knew I needed to seriously improve my nutrition if I wanted to transformation my body. I took a good hard look at my diet and decided it was time to completely overhaul what I was putting in my body each day. Here are some of the major changes I made:

  • Cut out fast food – This was a tough one as I’d often grab a burger and fries several times a week for lunch out of convenience. But I forced myself to start packing healthy meals and snacks to take to work instead.
  • Eliminated sugary sodas and juices – I was drinking way too many empty calories from soda and juice. I switched to only water, unsweetened tea, and black coffee.
  • Ate more protein – To build muscle, I increased my protein substantially, adding things like egg whites, chicken breast, turkey, fish, and protein shakes to my diet.
  • More fruits, vegetables and whole grains – “I incorporated lots more healthy complex carbs and fiber from sources like oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, fruits, veggies and legumes.”
  • Limited processed foods – I cut way back on frozen meals, salty snacks, refined carbs and other junk foods that were doing me no favors.

Along with eating better, I also tracked my calories using MyFitnessPal to ensure I was eating at a daily deficit to lose weight. Meal prepping became a Sunday habit to set myself up for healthy eating all week long. These dietary changes fueled my fitness routine and helped me drop weight and gain muscle.

My Workout Routine

As I got into better shape, I developed a workout split that worked well for my goals of both losing fat and building muscle. Here was my typical weekly gym schedule:

Monday: Chest Day – Flat barbell bench press, incline dumbbell flyes, cable crossovers, push-ups

Tuesday: Back Day – Pull-ups, barbell rows, lat pulldowns, hyperextensions

Wednesday: Leg Day – Barbell back squats, leg presses, lunges, calf raises

Thursday: Shoulders Day – Overhead presses, lateral raises, front raises, reverse flyes

Friday: Arms Day – Barbell curls, tricep extensions, hammer curls, dips

“I did 30-45 minutes of cardio after each workout, and also tried to do some kind of active recovery like yoga or a hike on the weekends.” Having this plan and hitting it consistently was key – I loved the feeling of getting stronger and being able to lift heavier weight each week.

Seeing the Results

woman loss her weight after did exercises

As I reached the 1 year mark on my fitness journey, I was blown away by my transformation. By combining regular exercise, proper nutrition, and consistency, I lost over 100 pounds and completely changed my physique. For the first time in my life, I had visible abs, broad shoulders, muscular arms and legs – I was in the best shape of my life!

People who knew me previously could hardly believe I was the same person. My confidence skyrocketed along with my energy levels and overall health. I finally felt comfortable taking my shirt off at the beach or pool without feeling self-conscious. My chronic back pain from being overweight disappeared. I was sleeping great and no longer got winded going up a flight of stairs. The mental and emotional benefits matched the physical ones. I was proud of my determination and discipline. I felt unstoppable!

Key Takeaways from My Journey

Here are the biggest lessons I learned from my fitness transformation:

  • Consistency over intensity – It’s better to work out moderately but regularly than to overdo it for a week or two and then quit. Build a sustainable routine.
  • Nutrition is critical – You can’t out-train a bad diet. Eat quality whole foods in a calorie deficit to lose weight. Fuel your workouts properly.
  • Find intrinsic motivation – Don’t rely on others’ expectations or short term goals. Focus on why YOU want to be fit for the long haul.
  • Invest in yourself – Good equipment, gym memberships and fitness gear are worth spending money on. Being healthy is the best investment.
  • Form over weight – Leave your ego at the door. Focus on proper form with lighter weights before trying to max out. Prevent injury.
  • Be patient – It took years to gain the weight, it won’t come off overnight. Trust the process and stay consistent.

While my fitness journey completely changed my life, it didn’t happen overnight. By making small, sustainable changes one at a time over months and years, I was able to transform my mind and body in incredible ways. I hope my story can inspire anyone who wants to improve their health and fitness to believe it is within their reach. The journey begins with a single step, and yours starts right now. Let’s do this!

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