
Why You Should Walk First Thing In the Morning

Woman taking a morning fitness walk at sunrise.
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Why You Should Walk First Thing In the Morning

Beginning your morning with a brisk walk offers tremendous benefits for your physical health, energy levels, mood and mindset. Even just 20-30 minutes of walking first thing in the morning can be transformative.

Here is an in-depth look at how and why starting your day with a walk can boost your overall wellbeing.

Physical Health Benefits

Walking first thing in the morning provides many excellent physical health benefits that get your day off to a great start.

1. Increased Circulation

A morning walk helps stimulate blood flow and circulation to bring oxygen and nutrients to your muscles and organs. This circulation energizes your body to be more alert and efficient.

2. Improved Heart Health

Regular morning walks lower blood pressure, cholesterol and risk of heart disease. Walking helps strengthen your heart and lungs to work more efficiently, according to the American Heart Association’s recommendations on walking for heart health [1].

[1] https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/active-living/walking


3. Reduced Blood Sugar Levels

A 20-minute morning walk has been shown to lower blood sugar levels for up to 24 hours. This makes it great for managing diabetes and reducing risk of type 2 diabetes.

4. Increased Metabolism

Walking early in the day fires up your metabolism so you burn more calories and fat throughout the day. This makes it easier to maintain or lose weight.

5. Improved Digestion

A morning walk stimulates digestion to flush toxins from your GI tract and reduce bloating. Walking also prevents constipation by moving food through your system.

6. Strengthened Bones and Joints

The impact from walking strengthens bones to help prevent osteoporosis. Walking also lubricates joints to prevent arthritis pain and stiffness in the knees, hips and ankles.

7. Improved Immunity

Moderate exercise in the morning gives your immune system a boost by increasing circulation of antibodies and white blood cells. This helps you fight colds, flu and infections.

8. Reduced Cancer Risk

Studies by the American Cancer Society show walking and other moderate exercise helps prevent colon, breast and uterine cancers [2]. Being active reduces excess estrogen linked to breast and uterine cancers.

[2] https://www.cancer.org/latest-news/walking-workouts-ease-symptoms-during-breast-cancer-treatment.html

9. Better Body Composition

Regular morning walks help build lean muscle and reduce body fat percentage. This leads to more muscle definition and a tighter, more toned physique.

Starting your day with a walk provides all these phenomenal physical health benefits to get your body feeling and functioning its absolute best.

Energy Level Benefits

Walking first thing in the morning also provides tremendous energy boosts to power you through your day.

1. Increased Alertness

The fresh air and circulation from a morning walk helps you feel more awake and alert. Walking is a great alternative to caffeine for a natural energy boost.

2. Reduced Fatigue

Exercising in the morning increases your stamina and reduces fatigue throughout the day. You’ll feel less drained and ready for rest at the end of the day.

3. Increased Productivity

Studies show morning walks improve focus, concentration and mental sharpness. This leads to greater productivity at work or while studying.

4. Less Afternoon Slumps

A morning walk helps prevent the post-lunch energy crash many people experience. You’ll feel recharged instead of sleepy in the afternoons.

5. Better Sleep at Night

Getting in your workout first thing prevents exercise from disrupting your sleep. But you’ll still sleep better at night according to the National Sleep Foundation [3].

[3] https://www.sleepfoundation.org/physical-activity/walking-and-sleep

Starting your day with movement gives you the energy boost required to power through your busiest days. It provides natural stamina that caffeine and energy drinks could never match.

Mood Benefits

Morning walks also provide wonderful mood boosting benefits to start your day feeling great.

1. Increased Endorphins

Walking releases feel-good endorphins in your brain to naturally improve your mood. Higher endorphin levels reduce anxiety, tension, sadness and irritability.

2. Better Mindset

Starting your day with exercise puts you in a positive, motivated mindset to handle whatever comes your way. You’ll feel more optimistic about your day.

3. Less Stress

Exercising in nature exposes you to bright light which lowers the stress hormone cortisol. Walking first thing prevents you from feeling overwhelmed.

4. More Self-Confidence

Establishing a consistent morning walking routine builds self-esteem and makes you feel proud. You’ll feel more confident in your abilities.

5. Increased Mental Focus

Walking clears your mind from sleep grogginess and distraction. You’ll feel calmer and able to concentrate better throughout the day.

Beginning your day moving your body dramatically enhances your mood, self-esteem, and mindset. You’ll tackle everything with more clarity, composure, and confidence.

Tips for an Optimal Morning Walk

To fully experience the amazing benefits of morning walks:

  • Walk for 20-30 minutes – This provides enough time to reap the health perks without overexertion.
  • Drink water – Stay hydrated since walking first thing can dehydrate you after sleep.
  • Walk outside – Enjoy fresh air and sunshine to energize you.
  • Power up with breakfast after – Refuel right after with a balanced breakfast.
  • Establish a habit – Make it a daily habit by waking up a bit earlier to fit it in.
  • Start slow – Gradually increase duration and intensity as you adjust.
  • Use proper form – Walk tall with engaged core and swing arms.
  • Listen to music/podcasts – Make it more enjoyable with entertainment.

The Best Morning Walking Locations

Here are great places to walk first thing in the morning:

Local Parks

Parks offer safe, scenic trails away from traffic. Walk on grass or dirt paths.


Ocean breeze, sand and seaside views provide natural serenity. Just arrive before crowds.

Botanical Gardens

Enjoy walking amidst gorgeous flowers and plants. Just check opening hours.

Around Your Neighborhood

Discover new sights and architecture details in your own neighborhood.

Treadmill at Home

Use a treadmill on rainy or cold days for climate-controlled convenience.

Indoor Track at Gym

Many gyms have windowed indoor tracks open early for morning walkers.

Make Morning Walks Part of Your Routine

Here are tips to make morning walks a consistent habit:

  • Lay out gear the night before – Have shoes, socks, shirt and shorts ready to just get up and go.
  • Have a purpose – Link walking with an activity you enjoy like listening to a podcast or calling a friend.
  • Use apps to track – Apps like MapMyWalk, Runkeeper and Nike+ Run Club log your miles and progress.
  • Join a walking group – Having others depend on you showing up will boost commitment.
  • Note benefits – Keep a journal recording how much better you feel on days you walk vs. days you skip.
  • Pair with sunrise – Watching the sunrise will motivate you to get up early and outside.

To make mornings your favorite part of the day, get in the routine of starting it with a brisk walk. You’ll experience transformative total body benefits that help you feel healthier, happier, and fully energized to take on anything. The positive effects of a daily morning walk are incredible.

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